What Kinds Of Cases Does Brett Murphy Handle?

We have a very narrow focus. We focus exclusively on major personal injury and wrongful death cases. A wrongful death case is where someone dies as a result of the negligence of another party. A major personal injury case involves a serious injury, for example: an injury to the brain or spinal cord a closed head injury, sometimes called a traumatic brain injury a burn injury an injury involving fractures requiring surgery neurologic injury, often involving injury to the discs -- bulging or ruptured discs causing pain and neuropathy. We do not do soft tissue or whiplash cases – we just can’t represent everyone. The cases we take come from a variety of sources: crashes: car, truck, motorcycle, bicycle and pedestrian accidents railroad crossing cases right now we are representing the victims of the largest domestic airplane tragedy of 2007. We don’t do slip and fall cases, dog bites, or rear end collisions with minor injuries – we just can’t represent everyone. We confine our practice to major personal injury and wrongful death cases.