If your loved one has been the victim of nursing home neglect or abuse contact Cochran, Foley & Associates for a free consultation.
The attorneys at Cochran & Foley have the skills, legal knowledge and experience needed to protect you and will seek to win payment for their clients' injuries, expenses, and loss.
An attorney will lead you through the steps needed to recover actual damages and may even assist in punitive damages being awarded.
Levels of responsibility
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Actual damages can be awarded for medical bills, lost income, funeral expenses, pain and suffering, mental stress, permanent disability and similar hardships.
Punitive damages, above and beyond those actually incurred by the victim, are intended to punish the guilty party for reckless or inappropriate behavior. Punitive damages also can function as a deterrent for others.
An attorney can collect damages by proving the nursing home was negligent. Cochran & Foley will seek payments for expenses resulting from abuse, and ensure justice by pursuing punitive damages, and take action to protect your loved one from future abuse or neglect.
Cochran & Foley devotes its practice to representing individuals who are the victims of nursing home abuse, medical malpractice, accidents, or work place injuries. Essentially, if a person has been involved in any tragedy involving negligence and requiring compensation, Cochran & Foley will provide whatever legal services are required.
Above All Else, Seek Justice
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Victims should not hesitate from filing a lawsuit for fear of filing a frivolous lawsuit. That's propaganda created by the insurance industry. Let your attorney, not an insurance agent, determine what's frivolous and when justice should be pursued.
In America, a jury makes a decision on damages after hearing all of the evidence. The jury award is designed to compensate the injury victim. A fundamental right of all Americans is a trial by jury, allowing our fellow citizens to hear our case and to make a decision. Do not give up any of your rights as a citizen!
Statutes of limitation limit the length of time you have to file a lawsuit. If you fail to file a lawsuit within that time period you may forever be denied the justice due you. If your loved one is the victim of nursing home abuse, it is critical that you seek legal help quickly.
Let Cochran, Foley & Associates fight for your rights. There is no obligation for case evaluation and no fee is charged unless a recovery is made. Click here for a free consultation or call 800-322-5543 and ask for Terry Cochran or Lynn Foley.
The Law Offices of Cochran, Foley & Associates, P.C. is dedicated to representing individuals and families who have suffered catastrophic losses as a result of injuries, disabilities and death. The firm does not represent insurance companies or corporations but instead bases its practice upon representing individuals and families