Infant Brain Damage and Birth Injury Litigation

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Infant Brain Damage and Birth Injury Litigation

In many cases, birth injuries that result in brain damage and other disabilities for a newborn could have been avoided with proper and attentive care. Malpractice during the labor and delivery process can lead to serious injury and costs for proper care and rehabilitation that create serious financial challenges for a family already in crisis.

As a parent of a child who suffered unnecessarily because of the mistake of a doctor, nurse, hospital or medical professional, you should not be asked to bear the practical and financial burden alone. At the law office of Bredell & Bredell in Ann Arbor, Michigan, our attorneys work to provide answers and hold the right people accountable when they cause serious injury.
A Law Firm Focused on Results for You

When our lawyers take your infant brain injury malpractice case, we make your needs our first priority. We provide informed advice based on more than 25 years of handling complex medical malpractice and birth injury litigation.

Any infant brain damage can result in disability and significant expense for families. Whether as a result of hypoxia, physical injury or other fetal distress, a brain injury can result in conditions such as cerebral palsy, developmental disorders or physical disability, and can be suffered due to malpractice such as:

Improper monitoring of mother or infant
Failure to recognize fetal distress
Delayed or denied c-sections
Improper labor and delivery techniques
Improper administration of drugs
Failure to recognize warning signs

If you suspect that medical malpractice or physician negligence played any part in your child's infant brain damage, it is important to discuss your case with a knowledgeable and experienced attorney.
A Source for Answers and Support

As your attorney, we play a number of roles in helping you and your family. We have the knowledge and resources to get answers. We are committed to supporting our clients in litigation to recover financial compensation needed now and in the future. We counsel and advise you on your options and your rights, and we cover all court costs and attorneys fees until we recover a settlement or verdict in your favor.

The first step is to schedule a free initial consultation at our Ann Arbor office by calling 734-274-2876 or at our offices in Jackson and Ypsilanti by calling our toll-free line at 866-586-8164. You can also reach us online to set up an appointment or request more information.