Burn injuries suffered at work are generally not grounds for a personal injury lawsuit. However, this doesn't mean you can't get compensation from your employer. In fact, the very reason you can't sue the company is because there is another remedy available to you: workers compensation.
The workers comp system is an exclusive remedy system, meaning it's your only option to get damages for your burn injuries from your employer. The good news is, you don't have to prove negligence on the part of your employer to get those damages. As long as:
- The injury occurred as a direct result of your job duties (whether you were at work or somewhere else doing your job)
- You didn't do anything that would disqualify you under the law (like being drunk or on drugs while you were injured)
you should be able to recover your damages by making a workers comp claim. You may wish to have a lawyer help you make your claim so you can ensure you comply with all workers comp requirements in your state. A lawyer can help you to collect damages quickly without delays or a possible denial of your claim.