Trusted Representation For Any Type of Drunk Driving Case in all of Michigan
For 30 years, Michigan DUI attorney David M. Clark has been successfully defending clients against drunk driving charges by utilizing his legal expertise, effectively challenging the evidence in court, and by aggressively standing up for his clients' rights. Having started his career as a prosecutor, David M. Clark knows what it takes to win your case and how the prosecutor will attempt to build the case against you.A Michigan DUI Offense can leave you alone and up against a daunting system while facing life altering charges. A drunk driving offense can lead to the loss of your license, the loss of your job and even the loss of your freedom. To successfully get through this experience it is important to find a DUI Attorney that can use their DUI legal expertise to protect your rights. However, after you have been charged with a drunk driving offense you need an attorney that not only understands the law but understands how to effectively challenge the evidence obtained against you.
An Experienced Michigan DUI Attorney Can Attain Evidence To Challenge Your Charge
In order to protect your rights against a Michigan drunk driving charge, it is important to consider and challenge the sufficiency of all the evidence against the accused. David M. Clark and the Clark Law Office have successfully defended DUI's by exposing the weaknesses in the prosecution's case and challenging those weaknesses. We will examine the quality of the driving at the time of the stop and ensure that this is the actual reason the officer decided to stop your vehicle and not for some other reason. By investigating your case, we can also challenge the officer's decision to force you to exit the vehicle. Many times police offers have no reason to make you exit the vehicle legally, but they simply ignore these rules. Generally, after making you exit the vehicle, a police officer will start a field sobriety test. This test is to determine whether your driving ability has lowered or that you may have a high blood alcohol content. We know how to contest the validity of this test performed and will determine if the officer incorrectly administered the field sobriety test.
When is a Breathalyzer Used Versus A Blood Test? How Does it Work?
A blood test for measuring blood alcohol is the most precise method of determining the level of intoxication in a person's body. The blood test measures only the amount of alcohol in your system when your blood was drawn. Michigan is making blood tests more and more common and if you refuse a breath test the officer will most likely be able to make you take a blood test, but not in all cases. The breathalyzer used in a preliminary breath tests has made determining drunk drivers much easier for police enforcement officers and now the laws are based around this popular statistic. Many states have made it illegal to have a blood alcohol content of .08 or higher including Michigan. Blood alcohol concentration in the breath is closely related to that in the blood, so the breathalyzer machine is able to estimate the BAC closely by measuring alcohol on the breath. The validity of breath tests are challenged all the time. The breathalyzer only tests the amount of alcohol in your breath and doesn't always give the most accurate readings. You can request a blood test if you feel that the breathalyzer is giving you an unfair result.
What Are The Different Drunk Driving Penalites and Fines in Michigan?
The State of Michigan has specific consequences laid out depending on the offense that you are being charged for. If the arrest is for your very first drunk driving offesnse, the corresponding penalties are mild compared to an arrest where it is a 2nd or 3rd offense. So what are the penalties and fines? Here is a general overview of the Michigan drunk driving penalites and fines, but if you need clarification or have any questions conerning your DUI charge, call one of our experienced Michigan criminal attorneys who know the intricacies of Michigan drunk driving law.
1st Offense Drunk Driving | OWI 1st | - A first offense drunk driving charge is a misdemeanor charge and usually results in a suspended license for up to six months and the fine will be anywhere from $100-$500. It is also possible to be sentenced with up to 93 days in jail. Depending on the discretion of the judge, you may also have to serve up to 360 hours of community service, have an ignition interlock device installed in your car, or have your vehicle completely immobilized for up to 180 days. Your driver's license will be suspended for 30 days and it will be restriced for a total of 150 days. Six points will be added to your Michigan driver's license.
2nd Offense Drunk Driving - | OWI 2nd | - A second offense drunk driving charge is also a misdemeanor and usually results in a suspended license for a minimum of one full year. This is double the amount of time compared to a first offense and it could even be longer depending on the judge. The associated fee can range anywhere from $200 to $1000. On top of this fee, Michigan charges a driver responsibility fee which is another $1000 added. The jail time can range from anywhere between 5 days to a full year. Six points will be added to your license and your plates will be immediately taken. Depending on the judge's decision, you could also face 30-90 days of community service, an ignition interlock device being installed in your car, and vehicle immobilization from 90-180 days.
3rd Offense Drunk Driving | OWI 3rd | - A third offense drunk driving is much more serious than the previous 2 charges. The third DUI charge is classed as a felony. There is a minimum of one year that your driver's license will be suspended. The minimum jail time for a third offense is one year and the maximum jail time is five years. Just like a 2nd offense, 6 points will be added towards your license and your plates will be confiscated. The judge can also order 60-180 days of community service, an ignition locking device, and vehicle immobilization is required for 1-3 years unless forfeited.
Contact Our Michigan DUI Attorneys For A Free Consultation
As you can see, the penalties and fines for drunk driving charges are severe in Michigan. If you find yourself arrested for drinking and driving, you should immediately contact a Lansing DUI lawyer to help strengthen your defense. A Lansing DUI lawyer can help challenge the evidence against you in court and hopefully lower your fines and penalties. Defending yourself against a DUI charge is harder than it may appear, especially if you need to interview witnesses and cross examine some sort of medical expert
Don't let a guily DUI conviction negatively affect the rest of your life. Make sure you call an experienced Michigan DUI attorney before you plead guilty to any DUI related charge. Put your mind at ease and let us get the best possible outcome for your situation. We know that facing a Michigan Drunk Driving charge can be one of the most stressful and fearful moments of your life, but you don't have to face it alone. Learn your rights and put decades of experience and legal expertise in your corner. Contact one of our Michigan DUI attorneys at The Clark Law Office to schedule a free consultation to discuss your case.