Ann Arbor Childbirth and Delivery Negligence

For many Michigan mothers, a mistake during the labor and delivery process can have lasting and devastating consequences. Physician, OB GYN or nursing negligence at any stage of the process can lead directly to an injury for the baby or the mother.

At the Ann Arbor, Michigan, law office of Bredell & Bredell, our attorneys have been representing injured clients and their families since 1984. With a proven record of success handling complex, high-value birth injury and medical malpractice cases, and lawyers who are members of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum, we can put the right resources behind your case and help you hold negligent hospital and medical staff accountable for the harm they cause.
Labor and Delivery Malpractice Lawyers

A mistake during labor and delivery can have catastrophic and permanent consequences for a family. Not only does labor malpractice put an infant in serious danger, but can potentially cause serious harm for the mother as well.

Our office represents clients in a wide range of birth injury cases. We help families get the full compensation they need and hold negligent medical personnel, whether a doctor or nurse, responsible when a mistake leads to serious injury. Talk to our office if your family suffered as a result of labor malpractice, including cases involving:

Delayed delivery
Failure to monitor baby or mother
Failure to induce

When improper care by a nurse or doctor results in a serious birth injury for a mother or infant that could have been otherwise avoided, you and your family have a right to legal remedy. Our attorneys understand how to pursue personal injury and medical malpractice cases, and we can put decades of proven experience behind your case.
Contact the Law Firm of Bredell & Bredell

To schedule a free initial consultation at our Ann Arbor office or at our other satellite locations in Jackson or Ypsilanti, call 734-274-2876 or 866-586-8164 or contact us online. If you or your child have been the victim of labor and deliver malpractice, you may be owed compensation.

Protect your rights by contacting our office.