A road work crew caused me to get into an accident. Who is liable?

Over three million people are injured in traffic accidents each year in the U.S. The primary cause is often negligence, but many motorists suffer an injury caused by road problems or improper detours set up by a construction road crew. Most states have basic speed laws, which means that motorists cannot drive faster than is safe for the current conditions. Individuals who are cited for speeding in a construction zone when workers are present may be subject to twice the normal fine.

Accidents Involving Road Construction Crews

Construction zones must be maintained and properly marked so that motorists know which direction they are supposed to travel and if they are required to slow down or stop. Road signs must be posted notifying drivers of road construction ahead and any possible delays they may be subjected to. Sometimes road crews are so busy they become oblivious to the traffic around them and end up causing an accident. When flaggers fail to properly communicate with drivers, a collision can occur.

Liability For Your Accident

Determining who is at fault due to an accident may be difficult to prove, but if you have witnesses that can attest to your side of the story, this may prove helpful. There are a variety of people that may be held liable, which include:
  • The city can be held liable if they directly employ the road crew
  • A private company that hired the workers
  • The road crew worker whose negligence led up to the accident

Hiring a Personal Injury Attorney to Handle Your Case

Personal injury cases have a statute of limitations, which limits the amount time a lawsuit can be brought. When you hire a personal injury attorney, they can send an accident investigator to take pictures, interview witnesses and collect any other pertinent evidence that can help your case. If they are successful you can obtain compensation for any injuries you suffered.